Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like favorite time of year...

The Finseth Family household is all abuzz with Christmas...our friends say the best way to discribe our an explosion of Christmas...first we have to get the boxes out of our crawl space in the basement (this is not all of them).

Then we start to unload all the boxes
on to the dinning room table and
wherever else it will fit.

I like LOVE to decorate for Christmas...always have, always will...there has been only two years that we have not gone all out at Christmas, the first was in 1992 as we went to Ontario and spent Christmas with my family, and in 2008, that was the year that Tyler had his seizure and we really couldn't get our heads wrapped around it...

It seems that as soon as we start bringing up the decorations, the spirit of Christmas just starts to take over, we start humming carols, then sometimes we even break out in a rousting round of Jingle Bells...or Santa Claus is coming to town...

Beware of picture overload...  It takes approximately 16 hours to decorate, and 2 hours to haul all the stuff back down to the crawl space...UGH....but well worth least I think so.

This is just a taste of the tree decorations,
every year it looks so much more
beautiful than the year before!  :)

Tada...finito...I love multi coloured lights
I know that alot of people put white
lights up, but to me that's just
not Christmas...white lights can be put
up anytime of the year, but with the
multi colours of the lights, to me
that's Christmas.
I remember as a little girl, the big
bulb lights (certainly not energy efficient)
and the beautiful glow of colour
in the room when all the regular
lights were turned off. I still
love and cherish those memories.

The colourful

the tree...

This is the first year, that I did not decorate the tree,
we had some friends drop by, and Scott is really tall...
didn't even need a chair to put the star on the top of the
His wife Colleen, helped me unload all the boxes of
Christmas decorations, she helped the guys with
tree decorating too....thanks you guys your help was
appreciated!   :)

I especially like Snowmen and Santa Claus decorations...
after collecting for as many years and B and I have
we have lots....ok....I have quite a few!

I'll start with the parade of the Snowmen....

My most favorite snowman of all...
the one Logan made at school this year...
too cute....

Now for Santa....

This is the bureau at the front entrance
it has some of my most favorites, but
honestly I have too many favorites
to pick just one or two.

This santa is in the middle
of the bureau

I love this santa's face
he is so cheerful looking...
he's on the right.

This Santa is on the left,

I love my globe santas
the Rudolp Santa
was given to me
by a very special
person (Jacob) and I display
it proudly every year.

This santa is really one of my
most favorites, it looks like
an antique figurine,
unfortunately it is not,
but it does remind me of
one that I remember my
Grandma having...

and here's what it all looks like now...

This is my little village, all the houses light up,
the house in the middle on the bottom
belonged to my Grandma Stott
She used it year round as a night light
and it sat on the top of her tv.

Logan and Tyler investigating
the little village...

Just look at the face on Tyler,
he was so excited to see
all the Christmas stuff
too darn cute!    :)

This is what Christmas is all
about, those two little fellows
and the brings
the magic back to Christmas!

So once the inside is complete,
it's time to do the outside....
that's B's department,
and he loves doing it!

The globe has three elves that go around on a's kinda hard to tell
with the frost on it...

This picture of Santa with the candlesticks
looks kinda spooky, but honestly
it looks good in "real time"


Santa on his motorbike

The boys made a gingerbread train
they had lots of fun, but Tyler really
wanted to eat it...I think they did a
great job!

I put the train together
while the boys were sleeping
and the next day they got
to decorate it.

Tyler got a little carried away
with the

Finished Product....looks pretty good
Mommy put the Santa on it
and that was the final touch!

Well, that's Christmas time at the Finseth household...Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Merry Christmas to all
Best Wishes for 2011


  1. I miss your house at Christmas Time, it is the most Christmasey house I know. Merry Christmas to all the Finseth's. Miss you all lots!! And Happy Birthday Barry!!

    Love Toni and her crew!!

  2. thank you for your comment on my blog. You're welcome to continue following at my regular blog, if you so wish. Have a happy holiday.
